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Invitation and Scope:

Past and current school educators, you are invited to share your experiences teaching mindfulness to students and creating a culture of mindfulness at your school for an edited volume that documents the history and emergence of mindfulness in education through storytelling. 


We anticipate and hope that many chapters will be co-written with a mindfulness resource provider, as they have played a key role in the growth and momentum of the mindfulness in education movement.


This book collaboration will contain stories of classroom-wide, school-wide, and district-wide integration, covering “nitty gritty” implementation details and important mindfulness topics throughout, to create a comprehensive resource for schools.


Think Chicken Soup for the Soul, but for educating mindfully. . . with Volume 2 coming soon!​

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Target Audience: 

Edited by a committee of educators from Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully, it aims to inspire as well as mentor school leaders and other educators as they bring the transformative tool of mindfulness into their diverse school environments. 


Mindfulness often starts at a school with one lone "school mindfulness champion" and the journey to school-wide integration is long and slow and sometimes feels lonely and even impossible. Our book will be for all of these mindfulness champions, and it will be the perfect book from them to gift their school administration!


Book Structure:

Part 1-The History and Emergence of Mindfulness in US Public Education

  • Stories from key organizations and people involved with the movement from its early days

Part 2-Getting Started from Your Role Within a School

  • Teacher identity and stories from a wide-range of educators-speech pathologists to STEM teachers

Part 3-Creating a School-Wide Culture of Mindfulness

  • Stories of preschool, elementary, middle and high school transformations

Part 4-Moving Toward Systemic Change and Holistic Models of Education

  • Stories of urban, suburban and rural school district transformations


Proposal Details:

Nothing is as inspiring as a success story where we see the whole Hero’s Journey...or in our collaborative book's case: a school mindfulness champion's journey. In your proposal, share a few sentences on each of these Hero’s Journey elements:


  1. Home (Bio)-Tell us about yourself and your teaching community

  2. Call to Adventure-Describe needs of teaching population; your hopes/goals; your WHY

  3. Threshold-How did you begin the expedition; who were your mentors and companions

  4. Challenges- Was there any personal or interpersonal resistance, fears, or setbacks

  5. Revelation-Share moments that show your goal was achieved; did a special solution, resource or organization help you; research results

  6. Transformation-What did YOU learn from your journey (the grail)

  7. Return Home-what do you want the world to know about mindfulness; what do we need to be thinking about and talking about that we aren’t yet/enough; in what way/area will your story mentor others on their journeys



  • Share proposals in a Google Doc by June 1 with

  • Proposal acceptance by June 15, 2019 or upon review

  • Essays of 4,000-8,000 words due by August 15, 2019

  • One-on-one editing process continues through Fall 2019

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